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  • Writer's pictureShayna

Kindness is at the Core of a Better World

Kindness can mean many things to many different individuals. At the core of kindness is the promotion of generosity and being friendly and considerate of others.

Everyone chooses to show kindness in their own unique way. No matter how you express kindness there are several benefits to being kind.

Let's explore these benefits below.

Improved Health Outcomes

Kindness changes our brain structure in many positive ways.

Being kind promotes an increase of serotonin and dopamine neurotransmitters, which are both feeling-good chemicals. This can lead to a boost in your overall mood.

Kindness also reduces your stress levels by lowering your blood pressure and the level of the stress hormone cortisol in the body.

Helps you be Kind to Yourself

Being kind to others can increase the rate at which a person values the virtue of kindness.

As this value becomes more important to us, we start to also want to be kind to ourselves as well.

Being kind to ourselves increases our own mental health and self-esteem.

Enhanced Relationships

Treating others with kindness can help to improve the quality of our relationships. After all, who doesn't love a kind act?

Kindness can also improve your feelings of connection, trust, respect, and acceptance of others. These all have positive impacts on relationships.

Positive Ripple Effect

Being kind to one person can positively impact our whole community.

Think of it this way: if you pay for the order of the person behind you in a drive-through, that person is more likely to do the same for the person behind them.

This not only improves your mood, but it has a positive impact on several individuals by creating a ripple of good deeds from one.

Join the Friendly Company

At the core of everything the Friendly Company does is the virtue of kindness.

We aim to spread the message that kindness can change the world.

If you are reading this blog and you want to take in the benefits of kindness, come join the Friendly Company.

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